30 Days Zen Focus to Crush Distractions

Start each day with the same inspiration delivered straight to your inbox to stay focused and driven.

30 Days. 1 Goal.

Your inspiration delivered daily to stay goal-aligned.

Straight to your inbox. 💌

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3 people remain inspired
An email showing an inspiring quote to start the day

Are you frustrated by...

  • lack of motivation that derails your progress
  • mad about your inability to stay focused
  • constant distractions
  • the frequent procrastination that hinders your achievements?

= 24 hours of headaches

There's an easier way

const inspiration_time = "06:00 AM";

Supercharge your motivation every single day and stay on track 🚀

Staying focused on long-term goals amidst constant distractions like emails, WhatsApp messages, and social media notifications is tough. Hours can be wasted searching for motivation and battling procrastination, leaving you feeling unmotivated and frustrated.

ZenGoal changes that by delivering the same inspirational message to your inbox every morning, keeping you aligned with your goals. Start your day by reading your daily inspiration, then dive into a focused three-hour deep work block. Turn off notifications and silence your phone to maximize productivity. Set up ZenGoal in seconds, and let us handle the inspirations so you can concentrate on achieving your dreams.

Inspirations Showcase ✨

Goal: Grow a following on X

Consistency is key. Keep showing up and the followers will come.

– Unknown
Goal: Start a Business

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

– Walt Disney
Goal: Improve fitness

The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.

– Unknown

What Users Say

I've always believed in forming new habits in 30 days. Inspired by Zig Ziglar's quote, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great," I found it hard to stay motivated after a few days. With ZenGoal, I get daily reminders that keep me motivated and on track.

profile picture
Stefan A crypto enthusiast


Why 30 days exactly?

Studies have shown that it takes about 30 days to form a new habit. Consistently receiving the same inspirational message every morning for 30 days helps reinforce your goal, making it a natural part of your daily routine. This period is long enough to establish a new habit but short enough to stay committed and focused.

What about Habit Tracker or similar apps?

ZenGoal keeps things simple by delivering an inspirational email straight to your inbox.

Unlike habit trackers, which can overwhelm you with features and notifications, ZenGoal focuses on providing daily motivation without the distraction. It's called ZenGoal for a reason.

How many inspirations can I use for free?

Currently, you can set up unlimited inspirations in parallel. Each inspiration will be delivered to you on the specified time for 30 days.

How can I stop receiving emails for an inspiration (or for every inspiration)?

Each inspiration email includes a button at the bottom to stop the emails. Simply click it, and you'll no longer receive that inspiration. You can always create a new inspiration anytime you want to focus on a new goal.

How can I suggest a feature?

I love hearing from you! If you have any feature requests or suggestions, please contact me at zengoal@maximilian-patzner.de. Your feedback helps me improve ZenGoal and make it even more useful for you.

Stay Inspired Daily, Not Occasionally
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